Hotel in Poipet, there are many services as well including to Poipet Resort, Genting Crown Poipet, Holiday Palace, Grand Diamond City. The main focus on the service provider to the customers who came to play in Casino or the player, and the next is the general tourist.
Poipet Resort
Poipet resort or if the formal calling is Poipet Casino Resort. The same standard room as the Grand Diamond City but the different is by the room types are less than. The modern rooms, which is renovated with the beautiful designed. If you need privacy to relax or want to enjoy the casino games in Poipet Resort, there is a variety of rooms are available.ម

Genting Crown Poipet
Genting Crown with a high standard level. There are more than 300 rooms are available for you here with the beautiful of modern decoration, well equipped with facilities to make you more convenient. The standard room with the casino game that so interesting and modernity, which is make you to return to the casino again.

Holiday Palace
The rooms in Holiday Palace have a variety of styles to suit all types of the tourists. The rooms was designed with exquisite and luxuriously . Inside the room is extensive and well equipped with facilities, which is provided for more convenient. Holiday Palace have the luxuriously rooms or in a private home of Penthouse style.

Grand Diamond City
If mention the variety of rooms here. There are the most Room Types or many room types to welcome for all levels types of tourists. From the normal room to the VIP room. The number of rooms is almost 500 rooms. The room is making just to sufficient to accommodate the needs and to welcome the tourists every season. If you need to visit or to see the scenery in Poipet city, we would like to recommend it here because the room is in the 17th highest building in Poipet this time.