Shrimp-Crab-Fish is a betting game which is originated in southern China. Shrimp-Crab-Fish, there are the rules and symbol similar to the Dice or Hi-Lo at our house. Shrimp-Crab-Fish used the equipment to play by the 3 dice, which consist of six different types such as Gourd, Crab, Fish, Shrimp and Chicken. But about how to play Shrimp-Crab-Fish is not difficult, by you can learn the rules and how to play Shrimp-Crab-Fish from website.
How To Play Shrimp-Crab-Fish
1. At start of play, there will be countdown time for placing bets. The player can place bets on the results or the forms that you expect.
2. After the time out of to bet, the table manager will press the button to roll the three dice in six different shapes, such as gourd, crab, fish, shrimp, tiger and chicken.
3. After roll the dice is completed, look at the dice of the three dice with six different shapes, then show the result of the dice and the compensation, then compare the score on the screen to the result of the player’s bet or not? to check the win/lose result.
The Betting Form of Shrimp-Crab-Fish
Bet on Even number, the payout rate is 2 times of the bet amount (1 pay 2)
Specific 3-color bet, the payout rate is 20 times of the bet amount (1 pay 20)
Bet on 8 and 13 points, the payout rate is 8 times of the bet amount (1 pay 8)
Bet on 4 and 7 points, the payout rate is 50 times of the bet amount (1 pay 50)
Bet on 5 and 16 points, the payout rate is 18 times of the bet amount (1 pay 18)
Bet on 6 and 15 points, the payout rate is 14 times of the bet amount t (1 pay 14)
Bet on 7 and 14 points, the payout rate is 12 times of the bet amount (1 pay 12)
Bet on the specify 3-color, the payout rate is 3 times of the bet amount (1 pay 3)
Bet on the triple number (the same number),from 1 to 6, the payout rate is 24 times of the bet amount (1 pay 24)
Bet on 9, 10, 11 and 12 points, the payout rate is 8 times of the bet amount (1 pay 8)
Bet on the triple specific numbers, the payout rate is 150 times of the bet amount (1 pay 150)
Bet on High, Low, Single number, single specific number, the payout rate is 1 times of the bet amount (1 pay 1)