Ruby888 Pok8 Pok9

By | July 20, 2018
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Pok8 Pok9 Ruby888is a betting game casino online with the same players. One of the most popular Casino online game to play. Pok8 Pok9 game of Ruby888 Casino. There are the rules and how to play is easy to understand, can place abet as well as you want.

The Rules of Playing Ruby888 Pok8 Pok9

The Rules of Playing Ruby888 Pok8 Pok9 of Casino online Ruby888 Pok8 Pok9 principles to play, generally is to compare 2-3 cards to combine for all the scores of cards. It is a card player. If the total is over 10 points, have to delete 10. cards are the largest, 0 cards are the least. Cards 10, J, Q, K are 10 points.


To play Ruby888 Pok8 Pok9​ of Casino the player needs to have a minimum amount of 100 times the amount of the bet,such as playing 100 tables must have a minimum of 10000 points can be played.

pok8 ruby888

The Rules of Pok8 Pok9 Adding

  1. Pok8 Pok9 game 3 or less than 3 points need to add card 4 or 4 points up, can choose to add a card or not.
  2. The dealer has a card 4 points or 4 points up, can choose to match cards with players which has 3 cards than called draw a cards.
  3. The maximum placing bet is 5 times of bet for example: 100 players placed maximum bet is 500.

The players who joined to play Pok8 Pok9 it is necessary to have a minimum amount of 100 times of amount of the bet for example: playing 100 tables must have a minimum of 10000 points can be played game. Pok8 Pok9 game will be different from the 13 cards, in one game with 8 boards. After finished, the system will checks automatically whether there is enough to play the next game or not if not enough the system will warn you and return to the main game page.