By | July 20, 2018

Gclub Fan Tan game is a well-known games that select only one Fan Tan to break it and predict the result of remaining Fan Tan. Gclub Fan Tan is a quite easy game to play and fun. Predicts the result and register to play in Gclub Casino then Login to place a bet of Fan Tan Online in page that you want. Register as a member today we will have a special promotion. The purpose of playing Gclub Fan Tan Online is to find the score from Fan Tan with 200-500 pills used in this game. Take Fan tans from the box ( At least 20 pills ) and deivided in line of each 4 pills. The players predict that how many pills in the last of (1 or 2 or 3 or 4).

The Rules of Fan Tan

Gclub Fan Tan Online is a Fan Tan game in Gclub Casino and have a placing bet page, easy to unsderstand. You can see for others more details of Gclub by the picture below:

gclub fan tan
  1. Video games for playing Fan Tan in a Live bet Online Gclub
  2. The various types of playing, Click on where you to want to play.
  3. Keep the result of Gclub Fan Tan for the past previous games
  4. Number to show the remaining time of bet / others button of Fan Tan game.

How to bet Fan Tan Online

  1. A bet number 1 pay 2.85 by gussing the last remaining pills, will have 1 to 4 numbers to play.
  2. Merging 2 digits, bet 1 pay 0.95 is a merging 2 numbers by choosing 1-2; 1-3; 1-4; 2-3; 2-4; 3-4 can choose as needed
  3. Merging set 3 numbers, bet 3 pay 0.95 by playing, you must place a bet for 3 numbers
  4. such as 1 put 100, 2 put 100, 3 put 100 etc, will have to play 4 sets 1-2-3. 1-2-4. 1-3-4. 2-3-4