Gclub 5 Poker

By | July 20, 2018
Gclub 5PK
Gclub 5PK 5Poker game service Another one that we would like to recommend of Poker card game online, easy to play with fun bets. Open a 5PK Gclub account with us. The staffs are available 24 hours a day, 5PK poker deal of the five cards to the players,The players can choose which cards they want and don’t want to change them then click on (change cards) after changed cards, cards are dealt with by the rules given on the table will be paid on the table or join to play bounce game.

5PK Poker Card Rules

  1. Royal flush (not counting joker) is 4 cards with the same points, plus 1 Joker card or 3 cards with the same point plus 2 Jokers.
  2. Five rows are automatically bets and keep the points are collected.
  3. Straight flush (not counting Joker) is 5 cards in sequence and has the same color (counting Joker cards).
  4. Four rows of 5PK Poker is 4 of a kind (or inclouding Joker).
  5. Full House is three of a kind plus one pair (inclouding Joker)
  6. Flush is 5 cards in the same colour (counting Joker)
  7. Straight is 5 cards in a sequence ( counting Joker)
  8. Three of a kind is 3 equal cards + 2 simple cards (counting Joker)
  9. Two pairs is 2 pairs of equal cards + 1 simple card
  10. One pair (J / Q / K / A) is a card in a set of J / Q / K / A which is one pair of equal card .
gclub 5 poker

Menu Button to play in Gclub 5Poker

  1. Button deal: Start to play
  2. Bet Button: Bet
  3. Maximun bet : bet amount that have set up in this game
  4. Select a card: select / cancel, set of cards was chose
  5. Bouce game : join bouce game
  6. Collect: Collect points was got
  7. CREDIT RATE : change bet
  8. AUTO HOLD: select/cancel automatically store cards
gclub 5pk