Lucky Dog Racing Game ហ្គេមប្រណាំងសុនខ

By | July 20, 2018
ហ្គេមប្រណាំងសុនខ ជីក្លិប

Lucky Dog Racing game Gclub is a bet game online, all racings fun and satify with the speedy of the dog. There are many stlyes of playing with bet game online, should not be missed. Lucky Dog Gmae (Pet animal) is a game that bring the cuties pet to hapiness, wealthy come to your home.

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Gclub Lucky Dog Rules

Bonus rule of Gclub, Dog racing online:If win and get a bonus at the same time with payout =​​​ amount of betting in the table + amount of bunus in the table. Bonus payout are x5.x10.x50.x100.x300

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Gclub Dog Racing online The rules of final round at the same time
1. Champion number 1 N dog, Champion number 2, 1 dog. Payout = Champion number 1 & 2 combine together,
2. Descripe: if there are six dogs racing Champion number 1 = Number 1 and number 2, champion number 2 = number 3, award number = (1-2) (1-3) (2-3)

Gclub Lucky Racing Dog Rules bonus of golden dog
1. Champion number 1 golden dog, champion number 2 1 dog, payourt = Win all champion number 2 combine together,
2. Descripe: if there are six dogs racing champion number 1 = Golden dog champion number 2 = number 5, award number = (1-5) (2-5) (3-5) (4-5)

Payout schedual the award Lucky Dog Slots game in each round will have 5 to 7 dogs, if you want to bet, can be only the 1st and the 2nd.

luckydog odds table